Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Final Grade

If for any reason you have any questions or you need to explain a situation about your final grade, please come to my office to talk about it.

You have until Wednesday, July 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Final Exam General Information

The Final Reading Exam will take place on Monday, July 4, 2011

Place: Room H7
Time: 11:00am

The Final Oral Exam and Lexis Notebook Check-up will take place according to the schedule provided by the teacher and signed by each student. The Lexis Notebook will be handed in the day of your oral exam.

Guidelines for Oral Exam and Lexis Notebook Check-up

1. make sure you sign up to reserve your spot, and make sure you sign in the day you take the exam, the oral exam and check-up will take place at teacher´s office.
2. be punctual (ten minutes before the exam is a good idea!)
3. don´t switch days
4. bring the Lexis Notebook the day of the exam
5. if you miss your exam, read course program, will proceed according to UES Law.
6. you have the opportunity to change the day of your exam until Friday, July 1, 3:00pm.

The file with all the readings covered in class will be handed in on Thursday, June 30. It should include the reading techniques as well as a mind map for each reading assingment (you can drop it off at teacher´s desk, even if teacher is not present, just leave it on the desk). Time limit to hand in file is 3:00pm.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Grades Reading Quiz 2

These are the grades for Reading Quiz 2

Answer Key:

1. Mirna Menjivar 6.8
2. Aaron Giron
3. Jose Reyes 7.3
4. Wendy Solis 7.0
5. Kevin Pineda 8.9
6. Oliver Rivas 8.9
7. Rocio Sanchez 8.4
8. Manuel A. Reyes 8.4
9. Carlos Fuentes 8.4
10. Carmen Ceron 8.4
11. Brenda Olmedo 7.9
12. Ana G. Perez 5.8
13. Hugo Alvarenga 8.4
14. Justine Ayala 8.9
15. Sofia Ramirez 8.9
16. Nestor Doradea 6.8
17. Juan Lima 7.3
18. Edna Hernandez 7.9
19. Diana Fuentes 6.8
20. Yenny Marroquin 6.8
21. Krissia Guzman
22. Gloria Rodriguez 6.8
23. Carlos Henriquez 7.9
24. Karla Mejia 7.3
25. Guillermo Diaz 7.8
26. Ana C. Ramos 8.4
27. Andrea Henriquez 8.4
28. Karen A. Vasquez 8.9
29. Luis Lopez 8.4
30. Tatiana Arias
31. Nohemy D. Chicas 6.8

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hillary Clinton

This is the material for the last week of class


1. Download it
2. Print it
3. Process text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation

Monday, June 13, 2011

Charles de Gaulle's Vive le Québec libre !

Charles de Gaulle's Vive le Québec libre! Speech, delivered at City Hall, Montréal, Canada - July 24, 1967.


This is the material

1. Download it
2. Print it
3. Process text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lexis Notebook Guidelines

These are the guidelines to the Lexis Notebook

1. There will be an oral check-up of the Lexis Notebook = 10% (teacher picks 20 words from the notebook and student has to give definition of the word)

2. The Lexis Notebook hard copy = 10% (will be presented on June 30, 2011). The total number of words is 180, the words can be selected from the readings covered in class or the additional material you searched for to complement the context and the understanding of the material.

link to guidelines

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Margareth Sanger

This is the material on Birth Control


Presentations will start on Wednesday, June 7, 2011

This is the material

1. Download it or buy copy at Moises´copystand
2. Print it
3. Process text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Material for week June 1 to the 8, 2011

Nelson Mandela Inagural Speech

This is the link to the material:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mid-term exam

The location of the exam is H7, the other classroom was not available

Date: May 26
Place: H7
Time: 11:00 to 12:00 Noon

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mid-Term Exam May 26

The Mid-term Exam will take place on Thursday, May 26, 2011.

The schedule is from 11:00AM to 12:30 Noon.

The location is "Sala de Maestrias de Idiomas"


1. be punctual
2. eat a good breakfast (or a snack before the exam)
3. bring a pen, eraser, liquid paper, and dictionary
4. no cell phones or any kind of electronic devices allowed (an interruption may disqualified the student)
5. ask for permission if you need to (justifications according to UES law ONLY)

Cesar Chavez Material for week May 23 to the 26, 2011

This is the material for next week

1. Download it or buy copy at Moises´copystand
2. Print it
3. Process text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation


or you can buy the copy, it is available at Moises´copystand

Friday, May 6, 2011

Reading Quiz 2

This is the material for Reading Quiz 2

1. Download
2. Process the material using the techniques you learned
3. Answer the questions to Conjugal Prep (you have to type your answers in a word document, write your name at the beginning of your page)
4. The parts you have to answer are: COMPREHENSION and VOCABULARY FROM CONTEXT ONLY
5. When you save your file, give it a name, your name.
6. Upload file
7. Send a confirmation e-mail
8. The time of the quiz is from 8:00AM to 11:00AM

You can not modify the document. If the printing shows too small, increase its size:

Word 2003, click over it and go to the corner and increase
Word 2007, go to right lower part and click † or — to increase size

Link to reading:

Happy Camping !!!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reading Quiz 1 Grades

These are the grades for Reading Quiz 1

Answer Key: 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b, 7-c, 8-d, 9-b, 10-a

1. Mirna Menjivar 10
2. Aaron Giron 6
3. Jose Reyes 9
4. Wendy Solis 8
5. Kevin Pineda 9
6. Oliver Rivas 7
7. Rocio Sanchez 10
8. Antonio Reyes N.A.
9. Carlos Fuentes 7
10. Carmen Ceron 6
11. Brenda Olmedo 8
12. Ana G. Perez 6
13. Hugo Alvarenga 9
14. Justine Ayala 9
15. Sofia Ramirez 10
16. Nestor Doradea 8
17. Juan Lima 10
18. Edna Hernandez 9
19. Diana Fuentes 9
20. Yenny Marroquin 6
21. Krissia Guzman 8
22. Gloria Rodriguez 9
23. Carlos Henriquez 6
24. Karla Mejia 7
25. Guillermo Diaz 8
26. Ana C. Ramos 10
27. Andrea Henriquez 7
28. Karen A. Vasquez 10
29. Luis Lopez N.A.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Material for Week, May 5 to 12, 2011

Shirley Chisholm

Equal Rights for Women speech

This is the material for the next speech.

1. Download it
2. Print it
3. Process text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation

watch the video

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Speech: Adieux de Napoléon à la Garde Impériale

This is the material for the next speech.

1. Download it
2. Print it
3. Processs text using the reading techniques:
a. underlining
b. skimming
c. SQ3R
4. Prepare for the presentation

Link to the material:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Readings Quiz 1 TEXT and QUESTIONS

link to TEXT


uploading time will expire at 10:00AM

links to text and questions have been tested, they work

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to upload answers for Readings Quiz 1

These are the instructions how to upload your answers to Readings Quiz 1

1. Go to:

2. Go to principal page of and to the right upper hand side where it reads:"iniciar sesion"

3. Enter in "nombre de usuario o correro electronico" my e-mail account "

4. Enter in "contraseña" the password "readings" without quotation marks (readings)

5. Press "iniciar sesion"

6. On the left hand side, press option for folders "readings quiz 1" or "readings quiz 1B

7. Go to "subir" or "subir archivos" and mark the document where you have your answers (a word document with the answers)

8. Press "subir" and the uploading will begin

9. When the process finishes, it will give you a new tab where you have the link that was assigned to your document "enlace de archivo"

10. Copy the link "enlace the archivo" and send it to my e-mail account " You won´t be able to upload your link after 10:00AM. If you have any problems, contact me as soon as possible "ASAP" I will be online to answer questions.

Congratulations, you have completed the process

Have a good Spring Break or Holy week. Enjoy your well deserved break from school.

P.S. Download and process the new reading assignment "The Abdication Speech" because we will start with the presentations on Tuesday, April 26.

Change of heart

Hey guys, after some pondering, and someone calling me "mean" I decided to change the date of the quiz.

1. The quiz will take place tomorrow Friday, April 15, from 8:00AM to 10:00AM.

2. The link to the reading will be posted at 8:00am at the blog.

2. You have two hours to answer and upload your results by 10:00AM to the website (I will explain how).

3. Send me a confirmation e-mail with the link assigned to your word document.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Abdication Speech, Edward VIII

This is the material for the Abdication Speech of Edward VIII


Monday, April 4, 2011

Material for Week, April 4 to 7, 2011

The Gettysburg Address

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Malcon X


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Fecha: 16 de marzo de 2011 12:18
Asunto: se extiende suspensión de labores en la ues

En vista de continuidad en las labores de limpieza, reordenamiento y la no conclusión de las actividades de la inspección judicial, en el campus central de la Universidad de El Salvador, Rectoría informa que el período de suspensión de las actividades académico-administrativas se extiende hasta el día 20 de marzo. Reanudando clases, actividades administrativas y docentes el próximo
lunes 21 de marzo.
La reunión del Consejo Superior Universitario se mantiene para el día 17
de marzo en el Campus.

MsC. Douglas Hernández Miranda
Secretario de Comunicaciones

Visite nuestro periódico digital "El Universitario" ingresando a

Sintonice "Radio YSUES", a través de

Monday, March 14, 2011

acuerdo del consejo superior universitario

POR TANTO, el Consejo Superior Universitario, ACUERDA:

1. Suspender actividades académicas y administrativas, los días 14, 15 y 16 de marzo de 2011, en el Campus Central. Durante la suspensión de actividades, se procederá a ejecutar un plan de ordenamiento en el campus de la UES, orientado a salvaguardar la integridad del patrimonio institucional.

2. Reanudar las actividades el día jueves 17 de marzo de 2011.

when will activites go back to normal

It is 2:30pm, Monday 14, and I still do not know when it will go back to normal, as soon as I know, I will let you know. Please keep visiting the blog, ok

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

This is the material that we will be covering week 3 from the 14 to the 17 of March.

1. Apply the techniques of skimming and underlining to the famous speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2. Read it thoroughly.
3. Get the Main Idea and the supporting details.
4. Write a short summary using your own words, not downloaded from a website) stating your Topic Sentence and at least two supporting details. The summary has to include your point of view and it will be handed in once we return to UES.
5. Write 10 (as if for a quiz) questions from the reading.
6. Oral check-up consisting of 5 questions related to the speech.
7. Please tell all of your classmates about the blog because it will be our means of communication while UES is shut down.


